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Blog Articles


September 13, 2024
Why a Social Media Audit Marketing Audit is Essential for Business Growth

A Social Media Audit Is Essential for Unlocking the Prospect Journey and Driving Small Business Growth. In this article, I’ll go over how this all works together for the best results in a business’s marketing efforts. The Importance of a Social Media Audit Before Crafting Your Strategy Before diving into a social media strategy, particularly […]

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July 22, 2024
Catch My Podcast Interview Now Live!

My interview on The Mosaic Life with Laura W.: Harnessing Creativity & Strategy for Brand Success w/ Nanette Asbury is live and ready to be listened to wherever you get your podcasts.

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July 18, 2024
Podcast Interview Airing Starting Monday!

Coming soon! Tune in to my podcast interview on The Mosaic Life with Laura W. as we explore my journey in marketing and small business coaching, discussing key branding strategies. Podcast link coming Monday!

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July 17, 2024
Broaden Your Business with Wholesale

Join us for Broaden Your Business with Wholesale, a workshop that is part of the Fall 2024 series of Craft Your Commerce. This virtual workshop, accessible to anyone with a ticket, and draws experience of my years in the handmade industry, encompassing experiences as an artist, gallery owner, and event management. Drawing from my years […]

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July 13, 2024
Feeling Confused by Website Terminology?

Understanding common website terminology empowers you to confidently navigate the process of building your online presence, whether you’re collaborating with a web designer or researching how to build it yourself.

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May 28, 2024
How Conversation Can Uncover Hidden Memories

What started with pre-interview jitters turned into a delightful journey through my professional path, filled with stories and memories I hadn’t revisited in years. Julie’s thoughtful questions helped unlock these stories, revealing more than I realized I had to share.

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April 28, 2024
The Power of Compelling Visual Content in E-Commerce

Effective product marketing is an ever-evolving strategy, crucial for success in both in-store and online sales channels. Experiencing the quality and context of your work builds customer engagement, confidence, and a brand connection. This is where Augmented Reality 3D Product models come in, offering a fantastic opportunity for handmade artists.

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February 11, 2024
From Freelancer to Futurepreneur – Transforming Client’s E-Commerce Growth with Augmented Reality (AR)

The future of e-commerce is becoming immersive through augmented reality (AR). Designers should seize this opportunity, by gaining AR expertise to help clients revolutionize online sales. Creating innovative AR experiences helps engage customers, boost sales, and propel businesses into the future.

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January 29, 2024
Thriving in Digital Media: Essential Skills for Design, Marketing, PR, & Business Consulting Professionals

This article delves into the emerging technologies and skills that I believe are crucial to explore at present. “Innovation needs to be part of your culture. Consumers are transforming faster than we are, and if we don’t catch up, we’re in trouble.” – Ian Schafer – Kindred, Deep Focus

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January 21, 2024
Beyond Creativity: Building a Sustainable Freelance Design Business

Embarking on the path of freelance design surpasses the mere realms of creativity; it transforms into a dynamic pursuit that demands a strategic blend of skills, forming the bedrock for sustainability and ultimate success.

Demystifying the essential ingredients that compose a thriving and enduring career in the realm of freelance design.

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