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Blog Articles


January 15, 2024
From Flat to Feeling: Web Design Engages Senses for Deeper User Connections

Exploring the web design landscape for 2024 unveils a dynamic and interactive digital realm, as well as the integration of AI in many aspects of marketing and digital media.

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January 4, 2024
My Journey: Digital Media Design & Marketing Fusion

My journey of career reinvention began with the pursuit of a skill refresh and a desire to achieve a long-standing goal I’ve had while revitalizing my design and marketing toolbox.

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May 8, 2022
Enhancing Your Long-Term Health and Enjoyment Through Injury-Free Running

It is common for new runners to experience shin splints as they increase their running distance too quickly, which is a common problem from overuse of the same muscle group, “most soft tissue injuries are caused because the muscles are too weak and too short to do the job they’re designed to do, so as you increase the mileage, they start to break down” (Runners World, 2022).

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