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Small Business Coaching

Why Coaching? 

Are you a small business or a maker-run enterprise seeking support in navigating the startup phase or scaling up for improved results? Personalized 1:1 coaching is a valuable tool to guide your business toward growth, assess and optimize operational processes for efficiency, and review your marketing plan while collaboratively formulating a new or more effective strategy.

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Personalized Strategies

Engage in dedicated, one-on-one coaching sessions designed to address your unique business challenges. Each session provides you with the opportunity to focus entirely on your specific needs, offering valuable resources and actionable items.

Marketing Evaluation

After evaluating your current marketing efforts, identify your target audience, and collaboratively create innovative and more effective marketing strategies for your business.
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Accountablity & Goal Setting

Together, we'll prioritize actionable steps and set clear business goals. Each coaching session serves as a valuable sounding board for decisions and aids in navigating your business journey.

Operational Tools

During our sessions, we can delve into strategies for managing your time, assessing how you allocate it, and identifying solutions to streamline your workflow. If needed, we can explore ways to implement efficient systems, optimizing your productivity and supporting your focus on essential tasks to achieve your business objectives.

Schedule  a Free Consultation

If you're interested in exploring how personalized coaching can support your business journey, I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute call to discuss your needs further and determine if it's the right fit for you.
From there, we can tailor sessions to your unique requirements, whether you prefer occasional check-ins or more regular support on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. The choice is yours!

Unlock Your Business Potential

Schedule 30-min Consultation
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