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Podcast Interview Airing Starting Monday!

I am excited to share a bit about my upcoming podcast interview with Laura Wagenknecht of The Mosaic Life with Laura W. The interview was exactly as she promised, laid back and conversational! You can check out her podcast page here.

Laura describes The Mosaic Life: “A Mosaic is a bunch of pieces when put together, make up the whole in a beautiful way. This show plans to discuss the various pieces of a business throughout the course of its life, and throughout all industries, and how these pieces, when put together, can help develop a better, more efficient, and effective running of YOUR business.”

On Laura’s podcast, we did a quick dive into my background and how I transitioned from a small business owner to a wholesale artisan business & gallery owner which first sparked my interest in marketing. We explored my philosophy on the essential steps small businesses should take to effectively present themselves to their target audience.

We also discussed the various elements that branding encompasses and how a strong brand identity can make a significant impact. It should be a great listen and less than 30 minutes long. I’ll share the link on Monday, stay tuned!

This is my second podcast interview, with the first one still on its way, I promise it will be worth the wait! Listening to Laura’s podcast and the upcoming episode on Reinvention Adventures will give you a deeper understanding of my background, my passion, and the essence of what drives me. Be sure to tune in wherever you like to listen to your podcasts.

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