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How Conversation Can Uncover Hidden Memories

It’s funny how you think you might not have much to say in an interview—until you start talking! That’s exactly what happened during my interview for Reinvention Adventures. The podcast episode will be out soon, and I’m excited to share it with everyone!

Have you ever thought you didn’t have much to say until you started talking? It’s an experience many of us can relate to. Recently, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Julie Basselo for her podcast, Reinvention Adventures, and it turned into a journey through memories of how I got to where I am now. The episode will be out soon, and I can’t wait to share it with everyone.

When I sat down with Julie, I felt a bit of pre-interview jitters, wondering if I had enough interesting stories to share. Little did I know that this conversation would become a delightful walk down memory lane. One of the most surprising things was realizing how much there was to share once I got going. From my early days and the challenges I faced to the unexpected twists and turns that shaped my path, we covered it all.

Reinvention Adventures Podcast Image

Julie has a knack for making me feel comfortable, and her thoughtful questions helped me unlock memories I hadn’t revisited in years. As we chatted, I found myself talking about experiences and milestones that I hadn’t thought about in a long time. It was as if the floodgates opened, and the stories just kept coming. We even realized that we might have crossed paths many years ago in our early roles, before we ever met. More on that when the podcast comes out!

I am really excited for the podcast to be released and to share more about my history with everyone. Stay tuned for my next article update once it is live! Subscribe to my newsletter, and I’ll make sure to keep you in the loop.

To learn more about Julie Basello and her podcast, Reinvention Adventures, visit her website or find her show wherever you like to listen.

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