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Fairview Area Art League

Fairview Area Art League

Objective: Creating a Web Prescience for Member Events & Enrollments

The Art League enlisted help to transition their membership process online, eliminating the need for mailed paper forms and improving the transfer of information among chairs responsible for different steps of the membership process.

The new website, created in WordPress using Oxygen Builder, includes features such as a membership enrollment form, information about the organization, and an event calendar.

To increase local visibility, SEO was set up using Yoast, and Google My Business was utilized.

For managing new memberships and payments, a Google form was chosen. This allows multiple chairs to efficiently share access and handle their specific responsibilities by accessing the Google Sheet that collects the submitted form data.

For event display, the "Simple Calendar" plugin was selected due to its responsive design. Unlike Google Calendar, it offers a full month view on larger screens and switches to a list view on smaller screens, enhancing readability for members.

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