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Marketing & Public Relations

Elevating Your Brand Narrative with Strategic Marketing and PR

Experience personalized, hands-on service designed to support small businesses and new launches. We start with a detailed analysis of your business, competitors, and target market, ensuring a comprehensive understanding. Our commitment is to surpass expectations and celebrate your success with measurable results.

Business Kickstart Partnership

Service Highlights: This flexible package includes 20 hours of support to strategize various aspects of your new venture:

  • Business Model: We'll define how your business creates, delivers, and captures value. This includes identifying revenue streams, cost structures, key partners, customer segments, and value propositions.

  • Brand Positioning: We'll craft a distinct position for your brand in the market, focusing on how you differentiate from competitors, the unique value you offer to customers, and the core message that resonates with your target audience.

  • Marketing Strategy Across All Channels: We'll develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that encompasses online and offline channels to effectively reach and engage your target audience. This includes social media, email marketing, content marketing, SEO, PPC, and more.

  • Top-Level Start-Up Tactics: We'll outline the essential steps and strategies needed to launch your business successfully. This includes creating a go-to-market plan, setting up initial operations, and planning your launch events and promotions.

We will work together to ensure you have everything needed to successfully launch your new business idea.

Investment: $1300 (Specially Priced for Start-Ups!) Does not include the cost of logo design, website, or marketing. Packages for these services are listed on our website if you would like to work with us on any of these additional services.

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Brand & Website Direction - Project Based

Developing your Brand Story and Strategy: Let's tell YOUR story! Understand exactly who you are and who you serve. This proprietary process develops YOUR unique brand story & strategy, providing clear and strategic guidance for your marketing efforts.  This is done with all of our Branding projects, but perhaps you have your brand but still need direction? Then this is for you!  Starting at $750.

Expert Website Direction: Are you in the process of working with another designer but need some help with written content? Get strategic, full-service direction and expert copywriting for developing your new or updated website. This is included in our web design projects but we can assist you with your in-progress project.  Pricing is based on the need for your project.  Contact for a quote.

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Marketing & Brand Direction - Ongoing

Are you a busy business owner seeking to delegate marketing tasks and focus on your core business strengths? We offer flexible contracts in blocks of 5 to 10 hours per month, starting at $300 per month, with a commitment of two months payable upfront.

Service Structure: Our service ensures ongoing strategy and top-level direction for all your brand and marketing projects.

Expected Benefits: Many busy business owners find it a relief to delegate these tasks and concentrate on what they do best. Our services typically lead to significant sales growth, improved operational efficiency, and a strong sense of support and accomplishment.

Service Details: After understanding your brand and goals, we provide comprehensive brand and marketing direction, including regular consultations and oversight of your team to ensure consistent marketing and branding practices for your business—think of it as having an outsourced Marketing Director dedicated to your success!

Typical Engagement: Most businesses find 5 to 10 hours of brand and marketing direction per month sufficient. This investment safeguards the quality and progress of your marketing initiatives.

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Marketing & Branding Strategy Coaching - Hourly

Need a quick idea or assistance with a brand or marketing challenge or project? Hourly support is available to address your needs.

Service Highlights: Businesses that invest in hourly brand or marketing strategy support report receiving ideas and expertise worth 10x the investment. Start improving your brand performance now!

Schedule:  Schedule 1 to 2-hour increments depending on your needs. $75. hour


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Optimize. Amplify. Elevate.

Additionally, we offer standalone projects that can be completed as needed, or we can create comprehensive packages for consistent messaging to your audience.
Blog Posts
Press Release
Print Materials & Advertising
Email Marketing - Series
Social Media Marketing 
Email Marketing - Single
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