Nanette Creative Logo with Idea Lightbulb full color
McHone Performance Training


During the initial discovery meeting with Steven McHone, the founder of McHone Performance Training (MPT), the needs and long-term goals of his business were thoroughly discussed. We went over competitor sites to understand what he wanted to see portrayed in his branding and brand voice, especially in preparation for his move to a larger location. Steven was at a point in his business where a delegation of marketing and design support was necessary for him to focus on his strengths at the gym, overseeing his coaches and programming. Together, a list of priorities and projects was created.

During the business's move to a larger location, we served as his advisor to support him in his marketing and PR efforts, guiding the best execution of ideas for the new location and publicizing the move to members. This involved working on the website refresh, print materials, and email blasts to maintain communication with members.


Website Homepage Refresh 

During the business's move to a larger location, Steven was supported as we served as his advisor, guiding the best execution of marketing ideas, sourcing signage, and publicizing the move to members. This involved working on the website refresh, print materials, and email blasts to maintain communication with members. 

A website mockup was created to give him a reference for his home page refresh and to execute his ideas of how he would like it to look based on our initial discovery meeting.

(More work is still in progress on the website)

Mockup for homepage refresh for McHone Performance Training created in Figma

Promotional print items

These mockups are for few print items that were created to promote the new location. Postcards to distribute with a special offer, a poster was created to display public locations, this mockup shows it bigger than the planned use. But it can be printed large to use as a banner for use at events.

MPT Poster Advert to hang in local areas to raise awareness of. new location
Mockup of Promo poster shown on wall
PIcture of Postcard Mockup for MPT's new location
Picture of the MPT Rackcard as a Mockup

Email Newsletter - relaunch

When we began the project of refreshing his email branding, our goal was to create a branded template that seamlessly matched his website's look and feel. We aimed to make the email content more engaging for both members and prospective members. The redesign focused on breaking the content into digestible chunks, making it easier for users to quickly scroll through and grasp the various topics.

The first email used a coded template created outside of Mailchimp, which caused some issues during the transfer process. Despite this, I manually relinked everything, ensuring it worked perfectly for the initial edition. This allowed us to send it out promptly at the end of January, marking the beginning of a consistent monthly newsletter routine.

Additional examples showcase our work on publicizing his location move in April 2024.

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